Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Here We Go...

Hello, fellow bloggers! Thank you for taking the time to look at my brand-spankin'-new blog! The purpose of this blog will be to cheer, vent, and discuss all aspects of my weight loss journey, and yours, too! Here's a little big about me.

-20 years old, from Peoria, Illinois
-Full time college student, studying to become an English teacher (like everyone else in IL)
-Weight Watchers member since April '10. This is important, because I will talk about lots of food in terms of POINTS, WW's way of measuring food.
-Highest weight: 166 lb.
-Current weight (as of this morning): 148.8 lb. I'm 5' 4".

Guys, I've created this blog because I NEED I sit here eating, avoiding the studying I have to do for my Spanish final tomorrow, and wondering when the last time I exercised was. I NEED something, someone to be accountable to. I start at a new school in a few weeks, and that change makes me very nervous.

Please, add me, and I will reciprocate. I LOVE to read weight loss/fitness blogs. You guys inspire me so much and remind me that this is truly a lifestyle choice. We all have a lot to be proud of, and I don't want to quit because I didn't have the support I need.

I can tell this is going to be the start of something great.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your WLJ! I saw you on the WW boards and I follow too...I actually started my blog for the same reasons! I NEEDED something, just one has to read it, but the thought that "invisible" people do, makes me try to update it more frequently. Feel free to stop by anytime.
